Do you need to start sleeve training with your puppy? This sleeve should be the first soft sleeve to train your puppy with. You can do it at the same time as you continue bite tug training your puppy or train with bite rag, bite shamee.
Depending on the breed, blood line and individual qualities of your puppy sometimes you can start using puppy sleeve when your dog as young as 6 -7 weeks old.Remember - you should not do tug or bite work training while a puppy is teething.So why and for what purpose should you start using soft sleeve?The answer is simple - you need it when it is time to imprint training and to build a strong foundation in your dog.Puppy soft sleeve will help to build confidence and to develop a full grip as well.It will expose your dog to different surfaces and textures in bite training.Please note that we make it of jute and of synthetic material.

Please note that our puppy soft sleeve is durable as it is made of same material we use to make our full protection bite suit.This material also known as French linen is a very durable yet friendly kind of fabrics especially created for our products.This sleeve is ambidextrous and can be used on either the right or left arm. This Puppy Soft Sleeve is only designed to cover and protect the forearm. While most of alike sleeves do not have handle we make it with flexible handle inside.
The fact that a soft sleeve allows the dog to feel movement inside the sleeve during the bite is often seen as an advantage to a dog that is being trained for personal protection and police/military work. Quit common problem - dogs that are only trained on hard sleeves have a problem when they first grip a suspect because they have never bit into something soft that moves. The use of soft sleeves can help to solve this problem..

puppy training with Puppy Soft Sleeve !